Golf Ball Coupon
$5 off 1 hour on any machine
You have found one of our coupon golf balls! Return the ball to The Bank Esports at 124 N Spring St, Beaver Dam, WI 53916 to get $5 off an hour in our golf simulator or any machine.
Golf Simulator
Open Rain or Shine Until 10PM or Later
Be sure to check out our upcoming events as we will be hosting golf leagues and tournaments on the simulator.

What Else Is At The Bank?

Gaming PCs
Play on the latest and greatest gaming PCs with lots of titles to choose from.

Gaming Consoles
Nintendo switch and PS5s available.

Virtual Reality
Steam index Virutal Reality Room.

Racing and flight simulators.

Venue For Esports
The Bank runs tournaments. See whats coming up!

Food & Drink
Snacks and drinks are available for purchase.